Sunday, December 15, 2002

I don’t remember my alarm going off at 1. I must have set it for 2 last night. I remember going to bed last night, everything seems rather clear still. When I woke up at 2, I hit the snooze button 3 times. I tried to just keep my eyes closed and breathe calmly, to get ready to go to work. I thought about coming in late, but I managed to climb off the futon mattress and throw on some clothing. The bus is sparsely populated, just a few losers on there way to nowhere. I must look homeless to them with my bloodshot eyes, unshaved pallor, and overlarge wool coat. At Pecos, I enter a store. The woman in front of me has her hair pulled back in a bandanna. She is wearing ill-fitting Dickies and a 70s style jersey shirt, the kind that has different color sleeves that go all the way to the collar. She has a septum ring and a tattoo at the small of her back. She is dressed exactly like Spuds. Her face is much rougher than Spuds’, however. Not nearly as attractive.

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