Saturday, December 28, 2002

Hi, I’m back. Sorry, had a little crisis over the holiday. Not as bad as Thanksgiving, mind you, just some general self-loathing and minor destruction. I think my kidneys are gonna explode.

I’ve been watching television again. Speaking with a friend a few weeks ago, I wondered how she could spend so much time alone. She said she watches a lot of television. Of course she has cable. Downloading your shows is different; it doesn’t have that live feel. I miss CNN and the History Channel. As a child, I watched television constantly. Even in the times we did not have cable. Now, I catch Lettermen as I arrive home, then Conan, and the others until the overnight news feeds come on. I’m surprised that network television has anything to offer me.

I might be a snob, but the idiot box still has a few delights. A few nights ago, Conan had Roberto Benigni on. The man has such an ecstatic furor, like a Molotov cocktail. “Buongiorno, Principessa!” I remember watching la Vita è bella, crying my eyes out, but those words of hope stuck and have become almost a cliché in my romantic entanglements.

A sweetheart is IMing me, back later.

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