Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Ho hum.

Another day off. I woke up at like one or something and didn't feel like staying in bed so I got up and did a tiny bit of cleaning. Well, I took a few things out of the fridge and started a load of dishes. I went to start boiling some water to cook some noodles when I noticed the element on the stove isn't working. Add that to the list of shit I have to take care of. I need to have the garbage disposal looked at as well. All I have to do is stop in the office and tell them about it and it'll be done in a few days, but I sleep during the day and I don't want some putz in here when I'm passed out. Plus I'd have to actually clean some. At least take out all the beer bottles. Too much energy required. I think I'll just drink my soda and read Fark.

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