Sunday, December 05, 2004

Went out last night. Some of my friends were spinning at the Boston. Someone managed to get an alternative night going there. 80s/goth/ebm/industrial/synthpop/whatever playing on one side and 60s/indie/emo/garage/whatever on the other. I didn’t want to leave the apartment when I got home from work, but my roommate was already dressed and about to leave. I initially said I wouldn’t go but I guess I started to get a little lonely. Another night of drinking beer and playing Knights of the Old Republic didn’t seem too exciting. I was chatting with a friend on AIM and she said she’d go too. Grr. Of course we wound up going. It was a bit of a reunion. The usuals from Sanctuary’s long ago past were there. Jenny, the friend that came with, didn’t dance at all since she didn’t wear the right shoes. I’m sure she’ll wear boots next time. At least she didn’t mind holding my coat while I danced my silly little ass off.

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