Thursday, April 08, 2004

Went to roommate's girlfriend's house for food and Red Dwarf (BBC sci-fi comedy show.) She made us some Indian-style lentil soup stuff that was yum. I don't often eat food prepared by others (restaurants excluded, of course,) so this was something of a treat. Well, of course I wasn't without problems. Leaving the comforts of my computer chair proved quite difficult. I brought along some beer, so I managed to keep the homesickness down some. We played Yahtzee and Spades. I had to be reminded how to play Spades, so I didn't do so well but I crushed the competition at dice. The evening had a strange, time-indifferent quality. The VCR seemed almost anachronistic. We could have been listening to Xavier Cugat on the radio while drinking scotch and soda or something.

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