Friday, January 09, 2004

For some reason, I watch Cops a lot. Tonite, I saw a clip where a deer was running through a town and had gotten hit by a car. They had to put it down. The uniformed police didn't do it, I wish they could have to make it quicker on the poor thing, but they had to wait for animal control to come. The hillbilly that came took a .22 rifle to the injured animal's head. It was quick. All I could think was I hope they weren't going to waste this sad moment. One of the uniformed officer soothed the moment by saying that one of the officers was going to make steaks and give it to a needy family that they knew. My initial thought was a knock on the door of a house they had to visit too often. ("Hey, I didn't do nothin!" "I know, I'm just here to give you this.") Now I think they're just going to give it to someone at church or something lame like that.

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