What I Did On My Summer Vacation.
So I haven't been sleeping well from what I thought was a cold and the drugs I was taking to not notice the cold. Friday night was a clincher; I took one too many shots of DXM and had to throw up. In order to leave, I'm supposed to get my boss' permission. Normally this isn't a problem, but she'd already left for the day and I had to call her. I hate calling people about work shit when they aren't at work. I left about two hours early, getting a ride with one of the other managers. I convinced myself that I'd had enough and that I'd go to the clinic tomorrow if I didn't feel better. My ride, a long-time coworker and friend, offered to drive me there right then. I didn't have the nerve; I have a problem with doctors and had to work up the strength. Arriving home, I wish I'd taken him up on his offer. I couldn't sleep, or even drink myself to sleep. I tossed around in bed until about 7ish, took a shower, laid back down, wished I had a friend that could pick me up and take me to the clinic this early. I signed on to AIM hoping someone would be awake, but no luck.
Around 9, I left. I didn't feel as bad as the night before, but I knew it would come back. One problem with the bus system here is that there are major routes that run all night, but not many minor routes. Sometimes you have to walk a mile or two to get where you need to be. I could have waited for the Harmon or Flamingo bus to take me to Eastern, but it takes just as long to walk it. I grab the bus on Eastern down to Russell, then had to walk up to the same street my apartment is on. I'm pretty miserable by now, but the nurses are okay. A few simple questions, fill out this form, $25 please. I thought it was going to be $50, but we just changed insurance so I guess it went down. When I hopped on the scale, the nurse had the large weight on 100 and the medium one on 50. I laughed for a second, then she put it down to 10. With a coat and steel toe boots I came to 127. I've heard people put on weight when they stop smoking, so I'm prolly gonna gain some this week. Oh well, not like anyone can really tell with the baggy clothes I wear.
Finally getting into the exam room, it seemed like I had to wait forever. Just a small room with an examination bed, a chair, a stool, a sink, and a few exam instruments. The doctor finally came in. White guy, perfect english. I was surprised. He asked the normal questions, did the poking and prodding, etc, and told me I probably have a sinus infection. He gave me a prescription for some antibiotics and asked if I had any questions. It was almost 1 by now, so I asked if I could have a note for work. I was exhausted and really didn't feel like doing much but sleep. He wrote one out for two days and told me to get some rest and take some long hot showers.
I left, called work, and took the Eastern bus back towards home.
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