Sunday, June 12, 2005

Too much to write about. I'm mostly comfortable where I'm staying, I even went to Fry's for a referbished wireless router and card so I can get online on my computer in the livingroom. Of course I have a wired router and a wireless gateway, but they're packed away at the moment so I blew the $40 or whatever on a new (well referb) one. Not a bad investment. Of course I wound up walking all the way to the store (like 3 or 4 miles away) since the Sunset bus sucks choad. I'm going to try to get my chair out of storage later so I can be a little more comfortable in front of it. Today I woke up way late, but it's not that important I guess. I'll be back on a mid shift starting tomorrow. I want to thank everyone that's helped or given me good wishes, I'll need it all the next few weeks.

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