Saturday, April 02, 2005

“Oh, it’s such a perfect day.”

She called in sick yesterday; having not felt well for a few days. I emailed her just after I woke up, sometime around 11am. We had planned on going thrifting when she got off work but she’d left in such a huff the night before I wasn’t sure what to expect. Perhaps I’m too sensitive. I cleaned for a few hours; even scrubbing my bathroom. She’d called into work so we hung out sooner than I’d expected. I’d had some other loose plans but I blew them off. I should have at least done laundry and cleaned my guinea pig cage. We started our shopping spree at the Goodwill on Maryland near Tropicana. It sucks; far too small and way overpriced. I got a Dilbert book, a tea kettle, and of all things a blue paper Chinese lantern. Mainly I need another pair of slacks for work, but oh well. From there, she got some Taco Bell. Rather than walking in to the restaurant for a small respite from the warm day, she goes through the drive through and pulls over near the Ultimate Electronics across the street to eat. She got a cheese quesadilla and a double-decker taco. There was a time when I ate a lot of Taco Bell but now I have no appetite for it. She drenches her food in that flavorless hot sauce and vacuums it down quickly. I don’t remember if I ate the day before or not, but I’m not hungry. She grabs my slightly trembling hands and tells me to eat. I will later, I tell her. We head to the next thrift store, the Savers on Pecos and Tropicana. They have a better supply of clothes, but I can’t find any slacks that fit me. I did find some nice overalls (a work uniform for some elevator repair company!) and a few shirts, however. We decide to go back to her place to drink some and watch some DVDs. I rented a Guy Maddin DVD with Twilight of the Ice Nymphs, Archangel, and a short called the Heart of the World, a Herzog film called Aguirre: the Wrath of God, and a Japanese film called Uzumaki. We start with Aguirre since we’d seen most of it the night before. I really love that film. After that we switched to the first of the Guy Maddin films. He’s very experimental. I begin to feel slightly dizzy and assume that means I should eat something. We leave for a place on Maryland and Tropicana (again) called Macayo’s. It’s a passable Mexican-ish place. A bit plain and over-priced but it’ll serve my needs. I’ve only been there once or twice but I remembered their California Burrito is edible and my companion can indulge her meat fetish. The beer selection leaves something to be desired and I had to settle on a Negra Modelo. Instead of the burrito I get a vegetarian fajita. She gets some sampler plate with miniature tacos and other amusing hors d’oeuvres. I must have overestimated my hunger and didn’t finish much of the fajitas. She mentioned something about not having much cash so I pay. It was only about $25 with tip, so it didn’t break the bank. I feel something of an anxiety attack and ask to go back to my place. I hang up the paper lantern in my room and we chill for a few moments before going back to her place. It doesn’t matter much to me which apartment we go to. I take something for the anxiety and we watch the second Maddin film over some Trivial Pursuit. She won for the second time in a row. I don’t mind loosing from time to time. I completely lost track of time and have no idea what time we went to sleep. She woke up long enough to give me a ride to work, which was nice. We still have to watch Uzumaki so maybe we’ll hang out again tonight.

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