Friday, June 04, 2004

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but in addition to all the nazi porn, MASH, and other war shit I watch on TV, sometimes I tune into less morbid shows. Right now I'm watching a cooking show featuring Dweezil Zappa and Lisa Loeb. They're married. They have a cooking show. I would have guessed that they were both vegan, but Lisa is a vegetarian and Dweezil is an omnivore. I guess I should have known about Dweezil since his dad was such a freak he's considered freaky by the freaks, but I thought "art fag brought up in LA...." Just me hoping. The snacks they had at the theater thing I went to in SF were almost all meat with some cheese things. My first time in that kind of environment; the same type of place Dweezil probably grew up. I can still smell the crab cakes. Ick. This TV show is kinda cool, still. Two big-name but small-money artists doing an under-the-radar side project. They seem very happy together.

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